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Tehnologie avansată și tehnologie avansată

Angajamentul nostru față de serviciu este o garanție completă că vom depune toate eforturile pentru a fi acolo pentru dvs. Acesta este angajamentul nostru față de dumneavoastră. Dorim să nu satisfacem decât să depășim așteptările clienților noștri. ...

in my eyes

When you first arrive in Tanzania, you will be impressed by the beauty here, it is really amazing! The blue sky and white cloud are so beautiful with the endless green on the horizon. At the end of the sky, where the blue and green meet each other, you can see everything very clear, because there is no pollution here. If you gaze into the distance, you will suddenly feel that you can see so far. The blue of the sky is clear...

Hualing’s new product for Africa - ...

Hualing’s new product for Africa - ...

ZK6120D1 is a brand new product developed by Hualing according to the relevant African laws and regulations, road conditions as well as driving...

Sales Manager African Division ...

In the process of expanding the African market, what do you think the customers pay attention to in selecting products? ...

Our markets
in Africa

Over the years, we have based on traffic economic development in Africa, in particular, provides a variety of durable, practical and beautiful passenger; for the beautiful natural environment in Africa, provides a highly environmentally friendly hybrid buses.

Signed orders

1,216 units the largest single purchase history of Venezuela's largest single bus orders.

Customers in the eyes of Hualing

Hualing company has the industry's most widely covered parts supply network.

Our markets
in Africa

Over the years, we have based on traffic economic development in Africa, in particular, provides a variety of durable, practical and beautiful passenger; for the beautiful natural environment in Africa, provides a highly environmentally friendly hybrid buses.

Signed orders

1,216 units the largest single purchase history of Venezuela's largest single bus orders.

Customers in the eyes of Hualing

Hualing company has the industry's most widely covered parts supply network.

Our markets
in Africa

Over the years, we have based on traffic economic development in Africa, in particular, provides a variety of durable, practical and beautiful passenger; for the beautiful natural environment in Africa, provides a highly environmentally friendly hybrid buses.

Signed orders

1,216 units the largest single purchase history of Venezuela's largest single bus orders.

Customers in the eyes of Hualing

Hualing company has the industry's most widely covered parts supply network.

Our markets
in Africa

Over the years, we have based on traffic economic development in Africa, in particular, provides a variety of durable, practical and beautiful passenger; for the beautiful natural environment in Africa, provides a highly environmentally friendly hybrid buses.

Signed orders

1,216 units the largest single purchase history of Venezuela's largest single bus orders.

Customers in the eyes of Hualing

Hualing company has the industry's most widely covered parts supply network.

Despre noi
Piese și servicii
Practicile de export
Pompa de camion
ciment camioane
Water Truck
Seria de gaz Vehicul
Minerit Basculantă
Cargo Truck
tractor rutier
Numele Companiei: Shanghai Longji Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Adresa: No.177,Xinxiao Road ,Songjiang District, Shanghai City, China
Zip: 201612
astfel de: +86-21-541-71571
Fax: +86-21-541-71572
2010-2017 Shanghai Longji Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.All rights reserved.

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